ttc 001 Shoreline-Features EP (cdr)
ttc 002 Chapels-Dust Bells (c30)
ttc 003 Black Eagle Child / oh be joyful - split (c30)
ttc 004 Derek Rogers-Calculated Messes (c38)
ttc 005 Field Notes that Fled / Comp tape (c105)
ttc 006 al Qaeda-cremation of care (c38)
ttc 007 Bill Baird-Songs the Sound of Myself as Written by Others (cdr)
ttc 008 the End Springs-Synergy (cdr)
ttc 009 Gorman-Farm Bells (c20)
ttc 010 Robe-Housing Deterioration (cdr)
ttc 011 Horse Gives Birth to Fly-Untitled (Live) (c30)
ttc 012 Etherik-Shipwrecks (cdr)
ttc 013 Nirvana Pan Jali/Many Mansions-split (c30)
ttc 014 Harps of Fuchsia Kalmia with Delphine Dora-Pantomima Terrestre (c24)
ttc 015 ThrouRoof/Donato Epiro-Tamadua's Gorgeous Dream Drones (c20)
ttc 016 Goodwillies-Tangerine Tape Burst (c30)
ttc 017 al Qaeda-aluminum lock smith (c20)
ttc 018 a man & a guitar-to kill a dead man (cdr)
ttc 019 Zack Kouns-Peter Denied our Lord (cdr)
ttc 020 Monks of the Balhill / Enfer Boreal-split (cdr)
ttc 021 Stone Baby-Leap into the Void & Drift (c28)
ttc 022 Sunken Landscapes-Transparent Sea (c60)
ttc 023 Endless Endless Endless-On Growth & Form (c30)
ttc 024 Kevin Greenspon-an Endless Distance (c20) reissue
ttc 025 Odawas-Mind of Christ (c35)
ttc 026 siddhi-Straying Fingers (c47)
ttc 027 the Diamond Family Archive-the death of kung fu (c47)
ttc 028 endometrium cuntplow-blooming at the speed of light (c28)
ttc 029 problems that fix themselves-problems family band (c28)
ttc 030 cough cough-if i could ever live here, it would be now (c28)
ttc 031 found sounds
ttc 032 tba
ttc 033 tba