Thursday, November 11, 2010

the diamond family archive

tired trails collective 027
the diamond family archive-the death of kung fu

tape: c47

the diamond family archive,the death of kung fu,tired trails

laurence collyer makes music under the name
the diamond family archive
. he's a traveling folksy
from the uk, playing captivating live shows with a fierce
freak style that get the whole town talking. everything
i've heard from him i've fallen in love with- over & over.
here collyer has created a refreshing & imaginative album,
effortlessly utilizing the banjo, guitar, piano, drums, sounds
of the sea, rain & beyond. the bulk of these recordings came
together in an old sail loft on the day david carradine, the 70's
actor, died. 'the death of kung fu' tells it's own dynamic story
of a dreamer & his death. like snapshots of a day in the life,
this album consists of 15 shorter tracks all displaying their charm
within three minutes. then two longer tracks wrap up the set,
shadowing the end of the day when everything unwinds & replays
in your head. one brilliantly constructed instrumental flowing
into the next, each track unlocks the door to an archive of sound &
spirit. 'spring pt 1a' for instance opens with the hum & buzz of night
planes in the distance-the acoustic guitar unravels its notes lazily,
gracefully, cymbals crash, the electricity of one guitar rings & echoes
off towards the horizon behind the scenes a bit- you can feel the world
waking up to this, the pride of growing green again, the cycle returning
to bloom. 'dead swan' is a dreamy drift of a closer composed of muted
guitar flickers, xylophone tinkers & a small wave of feedback. the bold
bird is pulled to the water's edge where it lies down happily & breathes
its last broad breath.

if you enjoyed the dfa's album "one to twenty" (Electronic Musik),
which you can hear & download for free HERE, you're going to
love this melodic masterpiece. vinyl (on dinosaur club) is next for
laurence, & of course he's keeping up with his touring. word on
the trails- he's working on coming over to the states!
stay tuned here & to his website HERE.
full color wrap around art & insert printed on recycled paper.
mindfully made recycled cases. limited edition of 44.
$6/8. near/far. (less with more-see paypal options).

These Hands for Clapping by the Diamond Family Archive from tired trails on Vimeo.

the diamond family archive,the death of kung fu,tired trails the diamond family archive,the death of kung fu,tired trails

death of kung fu sample by the diamond family archive by mettamind


Charlotte Chance said...

Sweet....liking your blog and hand made folksy packaging.

tired trails said...

Thanks for the kindness. much love to you. xxooxx