Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ttc 016 the Goodwillies - Tangerine Tape BURST c30

goodwillies,tired trails,tangerine tape burst,silver fox

while other artists are busy pounding away
on that trend-mill, tim goodwillie is off
building his own. taking a side winder route
through the tangerine tunnels of time,
goodwillie takes the lead in what i like to call
the race for intergalactic funk-manship. fuck bootsy
collins, goodwillie is here to spice up your summer
as your lo-fi noise groove captain. bruised beats
deliver some blows while smoky shaky synths get
sexy with the static of your brain in 'Pink Milk Plus.'
'Silver Fox' begins by banging your head against
a bass wall, then while you're distracted, the
funkiest fried groove within the galaxy bursts through,
tossing and tumbling around like shoes in the dryer.
amazing drunk junk pop from the synth samurai.
*side B:* A slow motion melody beaten and busted up
then shoved into the tiniest of holes. a thousand tons
of pressure being held back with a feather. like watching
an explosion in rewind. bad ass vibrations for your massive
pollution caused headaches. break through & BURST motherf*s!

Side A: Pink Milk Plus / Silver Fox
Side B: the Moist Contact of Different Metals

home real-time dubbed tapes, some blue some not,
two inserts- housed in recycled felt & citrus fabric.
edition of 44. $6 ppd us/ world get in touch.

check out the SOUNDZZ HERE

goodwillies,tired trails,tangerine tape burst
goodwillies,tangerine tape burst,tired trails

to ORDER EMAIL US HERE: tiredtrails(at)gmail(dot)com

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